Job Application for
Finance Process Manager
Cape Town, Western Cape
Posted 20 March 2025

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Q1: Why should we consider you for this position? Please elaborate with regards to relevant experience.*
Q2: Please indicate any leadership roles held, i.e. high school, university, sport, management roles, etc.*
Q3: Why do you want to leave your current employer?*
Q4: What is your notice period?*
Q5: What is your current monthly cost to company salary?*
Q6: What is your monthly cost to company salary expectation?*
Q7: Where in Cape Town do you reside?*
Q8: Have you previously been charged with or convicted of a criminal offense?*
Q9: Do you have your own transport?*
Q10: Have you ever been dismissed from an employer?*
Q11: Do you have written references? (Please attach with your updated CV) - highly advantageous to your application!*
Q12: What is your first language, and what other language can you speak?*
Q13: Only applicable to shiftworkers: Our staff are required to work standby shifts, please confirm if you are able to work standby shifts? Do you have reliable transport should you be called on short notice?*

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